> A logical extension of this argument would be that all people who use
> Pentax 35mm SLRs, and have professional aspirations, should switch to
> another brand, since virtually no working professionals use Pentax 35mm
> gear.

It happens. When I joined a group studio around 1988 I switched from Contax
to Nikon. All three of the other photographers used Nikon, and between us we
had 11 bodies and 30 lenses. Not only could I not borrow the communal
equipment, but I couldn't _contribute_ to it, either. So I switched. Bought
an N8008 and an F4s and a few lenses the other folks didn't have.

I had a pretty close relationship to Bronica in the 1980s, because I wrote
some positive articles about them that they purchased for reprint. A
not-too-well-kept secret back then was that studio photographers had a hard
time using Bronica because most A.D.s only knew Hasselblad. In their eyes,
if you shot Hassie, you were a serious photographer and they (the A.D.s) had
covered their a**es. If you shot something else, you were going to lose
work. What the client wants, ya better give 'em. There have been an awful
lot of studio photographers over the past three decades who went into
Hasselblad just because it was the thing they had to have.


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