I too have been following with interest, and either agree with or am glad to
have heard these tips. 
The one I read very early on I have always liked and tried to stick by.
"Don't be lazy". 
A précis of the suggestion was... "Most people who take photos don't put
much mental or physical effort into it. Always make the effort, look for the
best position or angle, wait ill the lighting's right, scale a ladder or dig
a trench to get the best shot you can."

-----Original Message-----
From: frank theriault [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Monday, 13 January 2003 8:51 AM
Subject: Re: Single best tip or trick for better pictures?

I've been reading this thread with interest, and all the tips have been
wonderful ones, but I haven't really come across "the one" (for me, at

Then I read yours, Bob, and it clicked.

I'd say, "always have a camera with you".  If you don't have one, get a tiny
35mm - even a p&s - and keep it in your pocket at all times.  I pretty much
always have a camera around my neck when I leave the house, but if it's
really inconvenient to do that, I'll put my little Minolta HiMatic F (about
the size of a Rollei 35) in a pocket.

I just got sick of being without a camera, and seeing a shot, but having no
camera with me.  Some days (not many <g>) I won't take a shot, but I like
having a body with me at all times "just in case".

I guess a corollary to that would be "take lots of pictures".  It's the only
way one will get good - it won't guarantee it, but it'll help...


Bob Blakely wrote:

> Not necessarily the best, but I say, "Don't be stingy with the film." 
> Walk around, up and down and waste the whole roll on that subject. I 
> say it increases the odds.
> Regards,
> Bob....
> --------------------------------------------------------------------
> "Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy!"
>    - Benjamin Franklin

"The optimist thinks this is the best of all possible worlds. The pessimist
fears it is true." -J. Robert Oppenheimer

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