On Thu, 9 Jan 2003 17:22:35 -0800 (PST), you wrote:

>Why not buy a Pentax FA 20-35mm f4 AL? 
>Amazing lens optically. Can maybe get it used for the
>price of the others. Check Ebay.
I vote for the Pentax 20-35, and I've never even used one.  When it
comes to wide-angle zooms, the benefit of the excellant Pentax SMC
coating is of real value. Think about it - wide angle lenses, outside,
taking photos in the sun, trying to get it all in... then flare hits,
limiting what one can do. Time for a shot of the ol' Pentax SMC magic.

 I've had the Phoenix 18-28/f4-4.5. Used indoors it's not too bad, but
outdoors or anywhere near bright light it is prone to flare. There's
an old photo taken with it at 

I sold the Phoenix lens after taking some photos comparing it to the
SMC-M 20/4. The SMC lens was substantially better in flare resistance
and also seemed to be better optically (but I was really testing flare
resistance and not optics so I can't say for sure). I won't bad mouth
the Phoenix too much - I'd buy another if I needed an inexpensive
indoor wide zoom, say for some of my factory shots - but I think the
Pentax 20-35 is a much better long-term investment.

John Mustarde

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