On Wed, 15 Jan 2003 01:34:51 -0500, you wrote:

>> Amen to that. I've moved an AF500FTZ as much as six feet to the side
>> of my 600/4 and still got red-eye (actually green-eye for that
>> particular subject.)
>What was the critter with the "green eyes", John?  (I'm assuming
>that it's some animal with a nice nocturnally adapted tapetum
>lucidum behind the retina.)

Now I'm looking all over for the exact photos with green eye. I know
my cats have either yellow, gold or blue; and rabbits shine quite red.
I'm thinking it must have been backyard birds that first got me on the
green-eye trail. Probably ordinary house finches or sparrows - not
exactly creatures one would expect to have tapetum lucidum.

Anyway, forget the green-eye, can't find the pic - but here's a
favorite Gold-eye photo of mine:

and a moment later with Blue-eye:

and another shot showing the cumulative effect of too many flash pops

John Mustarde

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