digital cameras all have built in filters to sharpen,
noise reduction etc, nothing that you can't turn
around and do to a 35mm scan. Remember that th digitl
images are all processed in some way, a way tha can be
aplied to 35mm if they'd tell us exactly what they're

 --- Bruce Rubenstein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: >
It's filled in with digital pixel dust.
> BR
> >One of the things I keep reading WRT how good
> digital capture is relates to
> >the lack of grain in the digital capture.
> >I do have a problem understanding this.
> >It seems to me that in order to have a "grain" free
> image, the capture would
> >have to be a continuous tone device.
> >I know this to be untrue, as the manufacturers talk
> about pixel counts, and
> >I know that a pixel is a discreet thing.
> >I've seen comparative pictures between a 6mp
> digital capture, and a 35mm
> >film image, and the digital capture is much
> smoother.
> >So, somewhere along the way, it seems to me, a big
> fat lie has crept in
> >somewhere.
> >Specifically, what sort of image processing is
> being done to the image from
> >the digital capture device to smooth out the spaces
> between the pixels?
> >
> >William Robb
> >
> >
> >  
> >

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