The marketplce right now is just like the CPU marketplace a few years ago.
AMD hits 200MHz; Intel, 250; AMD 350; Intel, 500, ad infinitum.

1. Currently Nikon is (it appears) the sales leader in 6Mp cameras.
They're pretty much all pro units, with the 5000 series being for the pro
not requiring a DSLR.

We're going to see the first leapfrog step:

2. Canon & Pentax with consumer DSLRs @ 6Mp or 9Mp.
Expect Canon & Nikon to have a 9Mp DSLR pro units.
2.a.That kills Nikon's 6Mp marketplace.
2.b. AND it kills Nikons 5000 series markplace.

3. Shortly thereafter Canon & Nikon will release 14Mp.
They'll come out VERY QUICKLY to try and keep the other from killin' 'em off.

I'm glad I'm not trying to work in the hardware world.  No margin left.
They'll make their money on lenses & accessories.  But the bodies have to
be a wash
at best because of the very rapid development to obsolesence cycle.


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