So we don't like the idea of a P&S Pentax digital?
Some folks say the Canon digital makes the 6X7 obsolete.
If so, why can't a Pentax P&S make our 35mm obsolete?

Here's a challenge for you.  Take one of those P&S digitals and take some photos.  
Take along your 35mm and favorite lenses, then compare the results.

I did this for this month's PUG. 


I'm still surprised by the results I got and trying to understand them.  I'd like to 
use my interchangable Pentax glass, but...

Regards,  Bob S.


> There is no doubt that Pentax can build a solid future on P&S style 
> cameras, like Olympus did, but how many people on this list 
> really care 
> about those cameras?
> BR

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