Flash exposure compensation is possible on the PZ-1, though it isn't as convenient as on the PZ-1p.

With the PZ-1, use the hyper manual program and hit the "IF" button to set the program exposure. Then dial in the exposure compensation. This won't affect the exposure settings you just made when you hit the "IF" button, but it will affect the TTL flash exposure.


But I have not written I use print film!!
And you wrote that with PZ1p you had 1/2 stop but over or under?rather overexposure...
So Pz1p usually overexposure and PZ1 not?
So maybe it is better to buy another PZ1 instead of PZ1p?
Do you know if I can do flash compensation with PZ1? For instance I want to shoot a portrait of someone who is in shadow and background is brighter so I would measure b. light and compensate flash for about from -1 to -1.5 EV?Can I do so with PZ1?And Pz1p?
Please answer

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