
I saw a similar article in a medical journal when I worked at the
British Library. A guy had trepanned himself by hammering a cold chisel
into the top of his head. The article included an x-ray photograph
which showed that the cold chisel had penetrated his brain to about
half-way down. The man walked several miles into his local hospital to
complain of a mild headache. They took the chisel out and he was fine
afterwards. Brains? Who needs 'em?

Medical journals are a source of never-ending amazement.

Hope the shot deer is rescued and recovers, too!

Bob (valiantly struggling against the temptation to make a Donald
Rumsfeld joke!)

Tuesday, February 4, 2003, 9:33:04 PM, you wrote:

> Makes me think of a photo I saw long ago while working in a newsroom in 
> Southern California. One of our photographers had a girlfriend working in the 
> ER at County USC; a guy was brought in with a butcher knife inserted (by his 
> irate girlfriend, while he was asleep) into the center of his forehead, through his 
> brain, and out the back of his neck. The guy was conscious and comfortable, if a 
> little anxious. Apparently they got it out OK.

> Hope the deer also survives. Keep us posted.

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