With limited darkroom experience, I'm out on a limb here.
My first reaction was "why should soaking with pure water affect

Then, otoh,... Do people use tap water for this?

I believe that water pH could affect the film. If it's pre-soaked in
non-neutral water the pH in the emulsion will change too, and reaction
speed with it.

One place I have lived, tap water usually had pH=9. My films always
looked over-developed. I used Agfa rodinal, btw. I also had to add
quite a lot of vinegar or citric acid to the stop bath to make it work
at all...

Took me a while to suspect the water, but once I started using
de-ionised water instead, the recommended development times suddenly
began to make sense... :-)


----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, February 06, 2003 9:10 PM
Subject: OT: [HUG] Film presoak - Cross Post

> Seeing as how I belong to both PDML and the HUG, I was wondering if
> had comments on this.
> I personally try to pre-soak everything but apparently (at least
from the
> HUG) it looks as though pre-soaking is not done by some.. and
> opposed by others.
> What does everyone else think?
> Cheers,
> Dave
> Original Message:
> -----------------
> From: Philippe Tempel
> Date: Thu, 6 Feb 2003 06:00:26 -0800 (PST)
> Subject: [HUG] Film presoak
> I've recently found out that I get 1/3rd stop more
> film speed without a presoak.  The presoak I've been
> using is for 5 minutes (as recommended by Jobo).  So
> I've decided to get rid of the presoak altoghether and
> dive right in to the developer.  I also talked to a
> photo lab techie and he also doesn't like to presoak.
> He was claiming that it can cause unpredictable
> processing results.  What are your experiences?
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