
There are some strange cameras such as MZ-60 popping up in ranges of
other manufacturers. Recently I've read about some new model of Nikon
which is essentially a very low level, nearly fully automatic film
SLR. Though I have close to none interest in Canon and Nikon offerings
I allow myself to be thinking every now and then <g>.

The following thought have occurred to me. Could it be that major
manufacturers are sensing the oncoming demise of film point and shoot
cameras and preparing the ground for fallback. By now 2 MP zoom DP&S
can be had for how much - 200-300 bucks... Way better 4 MP DP&S can be
had for roughly twice that figure, or may be even less. Now, in 1994 I
bought a rather simple P&S by Fuji for $250. Anyway, for sake of 4"x6"
family album shots 2-4 MP DP&S are sufficient. Thus, it would be
logical to assume that rather soon film P&S will start to loose market
share and quite rapidly too.

So perhaps, to keep film cameras attractive for some time, or better
yet to keep profit coming from film cameras for as long as possible
the major manufacturers are preparing the ground for the shift. The
shift would be towards very simple yet seemingly more serious MZ-60
like SLR film cameras. The would become the P&S of 2005 and onward to
the future.

I did drink some tasty dessert wine today. Did I drink too much?

Boris Liberman

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