I know it's easy to jump the panic button, but truly with international
mail, customs, terrorists etc assuming he got it is a bit much to assume.
Furthermore he might be on a couple of days holiday.  I had that recently
happen with an Ebay purchase myself and I couldn't ask for a better person
to deal with although he doesn't email much.  He happens to be a pro that is
just super busy.  I'd at least give it till Monday evening and then hit the
panic button
----- Original Message -----
From: "Gary L. Murphy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Pentax Users Group" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, March 07, 2003 11:18 PM
Subject: Help in Canada

> Is there someone on the list that lives in or near, Vaughan, Ontario?
> I used BIN on an eBay auction for a AF-500FTZ flash and sent him a
> $240.00 USPS International Money Order. I mailed it last Saturday but
> what is bothering me is the guy has not answered any of the several
> emails I have sent him. He only has 31 feedbacks on eBay, all but one
> are perfect, and the negative was when he was a buyer. (It looks like a
> retalitory strike)  I'm hoping he might be out of pocket, but  needless
> to say, since he has not or will not answer, I'm a bit concerned.
> --
> Later,
> Gary

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