Interesting test you got there, Alin.

Just tried it out with my Z-1, and I think it's possible to do with
the Z-1/p too. Here's my method:

Make sure you have no film in the camera.
Turn the f-stop ring to A.
Dial in M-bu mode, and select an aperture with the rear dial (eg.
Trip the shutter, and keep it pressed.
Watch the aperture blades while you...
Turn the f-stop ring from A towards the stop you selected with the
dial. When you turn beyond the selected aperture, the diaphragm opens
more. Turn the f-stop ring back and forth a few times and decide if
the aperture blades stop moving at exactly the stop it is supposed to.

Anyway, My observation with a Sigma 70-200/2.8 was that the aperture
was actually at f/13 when set to f/11 on the camera. IE, just the same
observation as you made with the FA28-70/4.


----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, March 11, 2003 9:36 PM
Subject: Re: Re[2]: Diaphragm actuator precision survey

> Alin
> How are they running the tests on the PZ-1 and PZ-1p's, which were
> cameras that were specifically mentioned as having this problem
> They have depth of field preview, but it is a manual function rather
> electronic, that only works with the aperature ring actually turned
to the
> manual settings according to the manual.  It appears to work in the
> setting but it actually  always goes to the smallest aperature
setting of
> the lense when in the "A" mode, thus making it useless there.  I
have noted
> that the aperature setting noted in the display does not always seem
> match the numbers on the dial while in the middle, but rather
> close.  However the high and low limits are the same.
> My biggest question in all this is the metering in Program modes
going to
> wind up being off because of this, or is it just the manual modes
using an
> external lightmeter that are messed up.  This whole thing is getting
a bit
> confusing the more I think about it.  Is the metering even going to
> accurate in the manual aperature modes?  Which one is the camera
going to
> use for this metering...the actual position of the adjustment
lever...or the
> information the lens is feeding the camera electronically......ugh
what a
> mess
> >   You can bet they would be the same, always. The whole problem
> >   not in what aperture/speed the camera displays, but in what
> >   is effectively used when closing down the lens. You can't figure
> >   without actually looking through the lens...
> >
> >   Servus,    Alin
> >
> >

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