Hi Bojidar,

on 18 Mar 03 you wrote in pentax.list:

>thank you very much for the nice answers to my previous mail!  It is a
>really special feeling to know that I have done something worthwhile,

We have to thank you - the KMP is a real bible for all Pentax users. I'm  
really sorry, that your focus leaves Pentax.

>So, the main factors are:

I can understand you reasons. If you want state-of-the-art, then there's  
no other way than Canon. Canon is technology driven and technological  
leader. Even Nikon can't compete with Canon's development. And Canon is  
developping really aggressive - take the 10D: they build it in a new,  
full automatic facility.

>  - Canon has a more complete AF system
I think, that the new Pentax AF on the *ist/*istD is very competitive.

>change their mount any time soon  (Pentax is moving towards a mount
>change [at least simplification].  The *ist does NOT work properly with
>K and M lenses, and it is NOT an entry-level camera --- it has the best
>AF system of ANY Pentax camera!)

I don't think, that the "crippled" KAF-mount of the *ist is something  
that shows us the future of Pentax. We had such a crippled mount on the  
MZ-30, 50 and 60 but that was it. For me the *ist is a great camera but  
it is the *ist-entry-level. Take the *ist D with a fully compatible  
KAF2-mount (without Powerzoom) and work it out to an analog camera -  
that might be the "flagship" in fall. But I agree with you, that theese  
developments are slow and it is a really poor marketing of Pentax to  
leave us in uncertainty about the future (KAF3? USM? IS?).

>Now, where is Pentax?  I feel that they have slowly but surely abandoned
>the market segment in which I am -- serious amateur.  If we ignore the
>They seem to be concentrating in the segment of *ist and below.  I have
>nothing against that, but I wish Pentax would
>In the end, it is all very simple.  I feel that very few serious
>amateurs and professionals use Pentax gear, and therefore the few
>serious Pentax items do not sell very well.  This then leads to Pentax
>not investing very much in development of such items, and more serious
>amateurs and professionals switch to other brands.

I think there are many satisfied "serious amateurs" on this list. But  
not all amateurs a equal: I think Pentax serves the niche of amatuers,  
that prefer a more classic style of photography and user interface and  
are satisfied with a certain amount of technology. The MZ-5n and the MZ- 
S are the best examples for this. But it IS a niche of serious amateurs:  
Pentax wouldn't build the Limited lenses for consumers. If I could  
choose if Pentax should build Limited lenses or USM lenses, then I would  
prefer the Limiteds. Otherwise they wouldn't offer something that is  
outstanding. Or in other words: Otherwise I could choose Canon.

Pentax recognizes and serves the consumer market as all other  
manufacturers. Because this is the market where they earn the real money  
to pay vor developping the real toys for us. With the *ist they will  
have good chances to earn more money there. And I'm quite sure that they  
will never drop the higher level products as those are necessary to hold  
up the company's image and sell in the consumer market.

>It's a vicious circle, and I am the real loser.

No, you aren't. You have simply recognized, that the Pentax way is not  
the right for you. There are many more segments in the group of serious  
amatuers: one is that of the purists, maybe using Leica. Another that of  
the MF users. Or that of the technology driven users - that's for sure  
the Canon way.

I wish you good luck and hope, that you will keep an eye on Pentax's  
development and certainly on your great KMP. Maybe you can share your  
Canon experiences form time to time with us.

Alles Gute,


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