"Paul Jones" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>I think one difference between the EOS-3 and MZ-S that should be considered
>is the external build quality. The MZ-S is quite solid as far as newer
>cameras go and the EOS-3 feels like plastic junk, I have shot both of these
>cameras and there is no comparison.
>Actual the Elan7e (EOS30) felt better than the EOS-3
>Also the focusing screen on the MZ-S kicks ass on the focusing screen in any
>Canon EOS body i've used.
>That doesnt mean that the MZ-S is a better camera though, I think they both
>have there strengths.

I think the MZ-S is very inexpensive for its construction quality and

Lists of specifications are no way to choose a camera.

Mark Roberts
Photography and writing

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