-----Original Message-----
From: Caveman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 10 June 2003 18:21
Subject: ist

                   1.  a suffix of nouns, often corresponding to
                        verbs ending in -ize or nouns ending in
                        -ism, that denote a person who practices
                        or is concerned with something, or holds
                        certain principles, doctrines, etc.:
                        apologist; machinist; novelist;
                        socialist; Thomist. Compare -ISM,
                        -ISTIC, -IZE.
              [ME -iste < L -ista < Gk -istes; in some words,
              repr. F -iste, G -ist, It -ista, etc., < < L < Gk]

Note the first example.


You forgot to add "Sh" to the front........................"shist"

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