I don't have any figures, but upon reflection, I suspect your correct.

Otis Wright

Herb Chong wrote:

shooting slides is more a pro/am thing than a generational thing. i was introduced to a Fuji Film marketing person who is the son of a close friend. when i mentioned i shot slides, he laughed. he figured that slides account for less than 1% of total film sales of Fuji USA. he didn't know the actual number though, but it is miniscule compared to their print film sales.

----- Original Message ----- From: "Otis C. Wright, Jr." <"rusty."@att.net>
Sent: Friday, July 11, 2003 06:18
Subject: Re: Digital question

Are you sure its a generational thing. I don't recall getting very many prints from slides which account for 95 percent (best guess) of my personal (as opposed to work related) photo work since 1958. Never had much use for prints once I "discovered" slides. I now keep print film in one body for to get prints for others now and then, but for a long time now there is always someone else. For me, viewing on the monitor is just

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