I see UPS finally delivered your sense of humor.



No, but putting a Pentax-logo strap on a Nikon D100 helps remove the
sting of having to use a Nikon DSLR instead of a Pentax.

It also seems to improve the whole system by a factor of 32.  Believe
me, I'm speaking from experience.  Photo colors are richer, the lenses
have less flare, and there is this... whatchamacallit... better "feel"
to the whole kit.  Chasseru D'Images calls it "Pou poup"  or "Gran
Poo" or something like that.

Best thing is confusing the hell out of gear watchers who are
wondering just what in the hell that guy is carrying - a Pentax
branded, Nikon-logo DSLR with a giant silver Pentax FA* 600/4 mounted
on it? You gotta be kidding.

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