Maybe I need to see a shrink, but if you saw me mentioning the focal length, I suggest 
you re-read
my message and keep your imagination in check.

I was talking about *dimensions*:

d has dimensions of *length* (m, yards, leagues)
c has dimensions of *length* (mm, inches, miles, a.e)
m is dimensionless (magnification)
f is either dimensionless (Mark, me), or has dimensions
  of aperture, that is, diameter, i.e. length (cm, 
  feet, parsec)

(m+1)/m^2 is dimensionless.
f*c MUST have dimensions of length, to be consistent 
with the fact that 

d ~ f*c* [dimensionless constant]

therefore, f *must* be dimensionless, in other words, it is an F-stop, not the actual 
aperture diameter. that
is unless you measure DOF in square feet or 
magnification in inches. but that would be a totally 
different subject <vbg>.

is that clear *now*?


> copied and pasted from Mark's post:
> > d = 2fc*(m+1)/m^2
> >
> > where d=dof, f = f stop, c = circle of confusion 
> > size, and m = magnification.
> Now, if anyone can see a value for focal length in 
> the above formula, he needs to talk to a good shrink 
> about his over active imagination.
> My reply was change "f" to "a" (aperture-diameter) 
> to correct the formula.
> (Though in the copy I have f = aperture, which is 
> the same as using a).
> Us people who know everything are getting real tired 
> of you people who think you know everything <GRIN>.
> Ciao,
> Graywolf

----- Original Message -----
From: "mishka" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> if you look at the formula, as Mark and I wrote it, 
> the DOF has dimensions of  length. if you change f-
> stop to the actual diameter, the dimension will 
> become length^2, which cannot be.
> best,
> Mishka

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