And now we have software written by non-humans. New it would happen. Right on Keith.

Otis Wright

Keith Whaley wrote:

Well, I'll be danged!
There WAS some validity to it.
However, I don't think it was a human that entered a zero as a divisor,
that caused the software problem.
Warnings that a 'fatal error" was caused by an improper mathematical
operation (division by zero)" are usually referring to something buggy
software does, not necessarily a human.

Juey Chong Ong wrote:

There was extensive discussion on comp.risks. See some:

T Rittenhouse wrote:

Your post reminds me of that ship that went amuck when MS Windows
crashed in the auto pilot computer.
Why the Navy would use Windows in a crucial
navigation system is beyond comprehension.

Right! You'd be better off using DOS and a LOT of RAM and disk space! <bg>

keith whaley

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