I think that all over the world, figure like this get exaggerated by folks promoting the local wonders.

Jostein wrote:

I think it must be down to incomplete research. The largest lake in Norway, Mjøsa, would come in 9th on that list with it's 430 meters. There are at least 10 lakes in Norway deeper than that. Also, there are some lakes in central Europe that should be on the list I think, like lake Geneva and some of the North Italian lakes.

Also, IIRC, the figure on lake Nyasa, or Lake Malawi as it's official name is now, is about 200m too high. OTOH, there's at least one other volcanic lake in the Congo basin that should be on the list. It's name escapes me, but FYI I'm thinking of a lake that caused havoc a decade ago when it burped a huge cloud of carbon dioxide that drifted down a valley and killed several thousand people.

Oh, well. Time to put the Limnologist in me back to sleep.

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