>However, one could by a cheap short extension tube
> get rid of the coupler
> in it
> and use it with a lens. You will lose infinity focus
> though but your lens
> will be intact.

Few days back, Mark had posted a review of *istD. In
that review author expressed similar solution.


--- Frank Wajer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I just realised that the extension tubes won't work
> with the ist D, because
> they do not have the A contacts. Any lens connected
> through the extension
> tube will not work correctly on the istD, because it
> will look like an M
> or K
> lens to the body.
> Then I read the trick of using old M or K lenses on
> the istD by rotating
> the lens a little or eliminating the aperture
> coupler. This makes the lens
> "useless" on analog camera's.
> However, one could by a cheap short extension tube
> get rid of the coupler
> in it
> and use it with a lens. You will lose infinity focus
> though but your lens
> will be intact.
> Frank

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