
PW> Someone please enlighten me or send me down the right path at least.  Once
PW> again, any and all help is very much appreciated!

PW> Pat Wunsch

Well, I tried slides and unfortunately had to decide that it is too
pricey for me. The processing of slide film including cutting it into
single transparencies and mounting them by the lab is about 3 times
more expensive than similar processing of usual film.

Having said that I was extremely happy by the slides that I managed to
produce. Probably one or two were very good, most of the rest were
just keepers for family album.

I am buying a scanner, well actually closed a deal on Epson 2450
second hand for about 60% of its price new here in Israel. It means
that I may just as well reconsider.

But two things are certain:
1. You need to be more accurate with the exposure. For instance I used
ZX-L instead of ME Super with the only slide film I tried. ZX-L gave
consistently good exposures.

2. You're bound to spend more money.

The outcome though:
1. One less step in the process, I think.
2. In my case, amazingly true color reproduction
3. Added bonus of feeling that you're using __the slide__ film <G>.

Just MHO.


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