I have had experience with the gitzo, (not a cf) and
decided to try the Slik 813 cf.  I have used it for
about 3 years and the head mounting insert that fits
inside the top of the center column became loose after
working with a 5x7 view camera.  I fixed it with
gorilla glue and have had no problems since.  It is a
very sturdy tripod that supports 12 lbs and weighs
less than 5 lbs with a magnesium head attatched.  It
works just like the Gitzo, except that it is lighter
and quicker to set up.  I think it sells for less than
$300 at B&H. 
--- mishka <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> has anyone here had a firsthand experience with
> velbon carmagne 640 and 
> gitzo g1228? their prices are somewhat close
> ($400 vs $350), and gitzo sounds like... well,
> gitzo! but it's a tiny 
> bit heavier (probably irrelevant) and longer (21.5in
> folded)
> i have seen quite a few reviews saying velbon is
> "nice", "great" and so 
> on, but i am kinda suspicious of velbon CF (someone
> called it "gold-plated yugo"). otoh, its size,
> 17inches folded, sounds 
> very promising (i amlooking for a new lightweight
> and
> reasonably sturdy travel tripod -- the max load i
> expect to have on it 
> is ~6lbs, the longest lens is 200mm with 2x
> extender). 
> my biggest concern is durability. anyone can share
> his experience?
> best,
> mishka

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