On Mon, 27 Oct 2003, Alin Flaider wrote:

>   Initially Foveon specified 3.3 MPix in the marketing papers. Later,
>   although it was obvious it delivered results at least as good as
>   6 MPix mosaic sensors, it was still classified among 3 MPix cameras
>   in commercial catalogues, tutorials, even reviews.
>   So it's the market and it's MPix blinding criteria that drove Foveon
>   to count photosites - just like the others do.

True, but it's still misleading.  While colour may be recorded at 10
million distinct photosites, luminence is only recorded at 3.3 million.
In the end you get an image whose quality is somewhere in between 3.3 and
10MP.  It's certainly better than 3.3MP cameras, but it's not capturing
luminence at 10 million distinct sites.


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