Cotty wrote:
> On 3/11/03, [EMAIL PROTECTED] disgorged:
> >"frank theriault" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >>But, mostly, do what you think is best ~for you~.
> >
> >I like what Michael Reichmann told me: "The camera manufacturer has no
> >right in the world to tell me what height to width ratio to make my
> >photographs!"
> Aside from that, what happens when you send in a roll of neg and get yer
> prints back - ever seen how much you lose on the edges to machine
> printing?? It might only be a small crop, but it's a crop. How much do
> the slide boys and girls lose on mounting?
> Stirring,
> Cheers,
>   Cotty


Do you suppose that's why most viewfinders only display 85 to 96% of the
actual image recorded?
So that when printed or put in the frame, the end result pretty much
covedrs as you think it should?

I'd venture it cuts down the odds of missing something right out on the
edge you purposefully included in your in-camera framing...


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