> Leon Altoff wrote:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > Would those of you in the US bid on an auction that was in Australian
> > dollars or Euros?  Would those of you in Europe be more likely to bid
> > in Euros?  Do the Canadians out there mind bidding in other
> >  currencies? Or should I just accept that the US dollar is the default
> > international currency and be done with it?

As a Canadian, I'm used to bidding in foreign currencies, so Aussie
dollars wouldn't bother me a bit.

I bought an Asahiflex with two lenses over the phone from an Australian
company a few years ago.  Great people, great camera.  I could understand
their accent just fine, but they evidently had problems with mine.  The
package arrived safe and sound, but with every piece of address
information except "Canada" misspelled.  :)


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