> -----Original Message-----
> From: Bruce Dayton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> I use the Stroboframe Pro-T as well for my 67.  One of the nice
> features about it is that it is designed for you to continue to use
> the built-in grips on your camera instead of hanging onto
> the bracket.
>  For the 67II, this works great as the built in grips are very good.
>  I suspect the same is true for the 645.

Yeah, this is handy for any camera with a grip.

On a related note, I've cut down my use of brackets. Unless I'm in a
room with a really tall ceiling, or outside, I bounce off the ceiling
100% of the time. When you do this you can mount the flash right on
the camera.

One reason I'm doing this is the 6 months of using the
645n/bracket/500FTZ/45-85 at weddings gave me tennis elbow in my right
arm, and biceps tendonitis in my left. If you do much of this you need
to vary your hand positions, and just put the damn thing down every
once in a while.


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