> Unusual amount of common sense and lots of 
> fun to be around.  And Jerome, don't let this go to
> your shiny head :-)

Don't worry, Bill. I'm not trying to make my head any bigger (literally, or 
otherwise) than it already is. If nothing else, I've realized that I've gotta 
use more of those little smiley faces like you when I write... but I hate 
those damn smiley faces!  (insert smiley face). I also can't take for granted 
that, though I've met a few folks, not everyone knows me off list. You, and a 
few others knew exactly where that was headed... but for others I can't assume 
so much. Thus, I stay humbled.

But speaking of pentax gear (HAR), the grip that I mentioned in the previous 
email to you just came in the mail about 20 minutes ago. I feel like I need it 
because, call me snobby but, I've become quite dependent on that vertical 
shutter button. But as for the ergonomics of it... not so impressive. For one, 
I really do NOT like the "plasticky" feel of it. Feels kinda cheap (I hate to 
badmouth Pentax, but it's the truth). But then, that's just me. I doesn't come 
anywhere close to doing for me what the MZ-S grip does for me when attached. 
Now THAT is a thing of beauty. Unlike, the BG-10, I can see myself taking this 
one off and on during use, depending on the circumstances.

But then, I should also add that I haven't really USED it yet; I've just held 
it. So keep that in mind as well.

What are others thinking of this grip so far?

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