>I did consider it. I'd need an EOS body and a K body to practice on
(Bwahahahha) but hey this is all going to give me bad name...

>I kinda like tinkering with things, who knows, I might give it a try 

BTW, Cotty, I emailed those guys asking how much it would cost to do one for 

They seemed to think they might have to retool or refigure or something for 
each specific lens. I told them all K mounts are the same.

This is correct, right?

I was wondering, would the same adapter work on a M lens as well? It would, 
wouldn't it, because it is also a K mount?

You should post this to some Canon list, or get the URL on some Canon page, 
because it would be cheaper if they get requests to make a bunch of them. ;-)

Did you also have to cut a little protruding bit off the back of the lens as 

I thought you had mentioned that where -- that that might have to be done in 
some cases.

Marnie aka Doe 

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