On 17/11/03, [EMAIL PROTECTED] disgorged:

>Cotty scribed:
>> Actually that last sentence was aimed at the editor, but he's put it in
>> anyway lest the mag get inundated with irate Belinkovites ;-)
><LOL>  Funny to see that here at this time, as I was just going through some
>filters that I modified for soft-focus and diffused effects.
>Photoshop trickery doesn't work when making silver prints, so it's good to
>know how to fiddle in both formats.  Been lobbying Adobe for a silk stocking
>filter, but they keep coming up with some synthetic material filter.
>Synthetic materials don't work as well when shooting contre jour.  Remember,
>natural, organic fibers with a thread count of between 110 and 130 work very
>well in such situations.  Silk seems to be the most ideal, but the web
>material of certain spiders, when gathered at, or just before, sunrise, can
>be woven into a marvelous filter.  Unfortunately, they are more delicate that
>silk, and greater care must be taken with their use and handling.  Still, the
>effect with fine-grained films, such as Neopan F, Agfa's APX 25 (You do have
>a few bricks in your freezer, of course), and Efke 25, is something to
>kind regards from the past,
>Shel Belinkoff

Shel, I saw your response in the email header and frankly I was sh*tting
pearls. I didn't know how you'd react to my designation up there in the
first para. Glad you saw the funny side. Anyway, I must apologise as I
spelled your name wrong.

I'm afraid to say that the only bricks in our freezer consist of ice
cream  <b>....

Good to see you're in decent health what with the stew and all.....


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