Well, no one has said it so far, but I gotta tell you, Cam (is it okay if I call you Cam?): YOU DA MAN!!

That is ~way~ cule! You got to be a Pap this summer, and you didn't tell us until now? Just waiting for the right time, eh? Sounds like a real education.

So, you mention body doubles for J and Ben Lo. People used to tell me that I looked like Eugene Levy, late of SCTV, current Hollywood character funny guy:


Now, they'd be telling me this many years ago, when I was a bit heavier, and I had (ahem...) darker hair. you know, before I started dying it silver. <g> I would actually have strangers, like at parties and stuff, come up to me and tell me I looked just like him. One guy actually told me I looked like Joe Flaherty (another SCTV alumnus), and I said, "Don't you mean Eugene Levy?", and he said, "Yeah, yeah, him..."

Unfortunately, it's just my luck to look like a B star. If only it could have been Steve Martin or someone like that, I might have parlayed this into a decent living.

I actually delivered a package to Eugene's house here in Toronto a couple of years ago (he lives in Rosedale, the ritzy section of town), but unfortunately, his kid answered the door. I was going to ask him if he thought I looked like his father, but thought the better of it...

So, anyway, I think you spent a really cool summer vacation, Cameron.


"The optimist thinks this is the best of all possible worlds. The pessimist fears it is true." -J. Robert Oppenheimer

From: Cameron Hood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I must say, this past summer I had an interesting job which gave me new insight into the way of the paparazzi. I was hired via an agency in Montreal to work for Zuma Press, a very large agency in LA. I got to work with three National Enquirer photographers and their manager to follow Ben Affleck and JLo around Vancouver, and get some shots.<snip>

<snip> they have multiple body doubles <snip>

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