Ok, was looking at my full moon shots tonight and they seemed a little fuzzy
so I was going to look at them in each channel, because I notice a color fringe on top left
of moon and a different color fringe on lower right, like a TV out of alignment

on 1/1000 sec shots, where they shouldn't be much movement, I noticed during a switch between each channel,
the moon would appear to move a little, so the combined channels were not in synch.

Is this an atmospheric, light distance, quality of lens issue? I check a color flash shot, zoomed in on the eyeball
and had the grid on and I saw no movement...this shift is unique to my moon pictures

I had a Pentacon 500/5.6 and a Tamron 2x telecon, so 1000/f11 before multiplier (1500/f11 ?)

Also noted in photoshop at 200% magnification I could see the squares from the jpeg even though
I shot at ISO 200, L ***, the best jpeg mode.

Next outing (tomorrow) I'll shot in RAW and TIFF and compare.

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