Got my ME Super for free because it was in this condition.
Sent it in for a CLA, and it came back working fine. According to the invoice for the repair, they "replaced a bushing" in the camera.
Been working like a champ ever since.
Probably just something stuck inside.


Peter Nielsen wrote:
I recently acquired a Pentax ME Super with its mirror jammed in the "up"
position. It can be pulled down manually, or via the small lever inside the
lens mount, but just springs back up. This is my favourite model camera,
and this specimen is in otherwise mint condition so I would dearly like to
restore and keep it.

I have tried bottom knocking, fresh batteries (contacts cleaned), manually
reseating the shutter curtain, opening the back, and working the self-timer.

Is there anything else I can do? I have the tools to get inside and do some
non-critical tinkering if required. I have the Pentax service manual, but
it doesn't address this problem specifically and I am not game to do

I also had this problem on a Canon A-1. I removed the base plate and shot
some WD-40 into the rewind shaft. That fixed it, but I don't know if it's
good practice.

Any suggestions would be most appreciated.

Peter Nielsen

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