On 16/12/03, [EMAIL PROTECTED] disgorged:

>If one were silly enough to Google my name, the first item one would see is
>my PDML Self Portrait (the famous bunny ears! <g>).  The next bunch of
>entries are a few of my posts to PDML and the LUG.

I Googled myself and here's a couple of interesting ones:

I'm a hotel:


A type of thread:


A Firewall-piercing software:


A car shampoo:


and my favourite - a character in a poster:


It could be worse. Type in Butch Black and you'll get 6 or 7 pages of links
basically for African heritage lesbians before any link to me. And just for
the record (since I know someone is thinking this) I am not an African
lesbian :)


Each man had only one genuine vocation - to find the way to himself.

Hermann Hesse (Demian)

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