On Thu, 18 Dec 2003, Joseph Tainter wrote:
> Lawrence Kwan wrote:
> "And in case of *ist, it can give priority in the matrix metering area
> corresponding to the focal point.  Off centered subjects is one example
> where P-TTL should be better."
> For this to work I assume one would have to use either the multi-point
> focusing (letting the camera decide what to focus on) or the selected
> point focusing. Using only the central sensor with focus lock on
> something off-center wouldn't work. Am I correct?

One of the custom function allows you to link the matrix metering with the
focal point.  I presume what you said above was correct when that custom
function was set.  If that custom function setting was turned off, then it
should behave as traditional matrix metering with no focus information
taken into account.

--Lawrence Kwan--SMS Info Service/Ringtone Convertor--PGP:finger/www--
[EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.vex.net/~lawrence/ -Key ID:0x6D23F3C4--

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