Sadly, Ryan - uh, I mean Blitzen,

Neither link works for me.

Wind resistance? You bet. Pedalling hard into the wind, I can feel the helmet being pushed back on my head.

I burn a bit more energy, but one must do what one must do, eh? Gotta get into the Christmas Spirit.

I get lots of weird looks and big smiles from pedestrians. And lots of comments in elevators. Plus, the receptionists love it (that's mostly why I do it <g>). It's really hard to be in a bad mood wearing them...

BTW, finished my Christmas shopping today (other than a few stocking stuffers that I might come across). Hooray for me. And it isn't even the last minute yet!

frank - sorry, Dasher

"The optimist thinks this is the best of all possible worlds. The pessimist fears it is true." -J. Robert Oppenheimer

From: "Ryan Lee" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Very Scary Stuff
Date: Sun, 21 Dec 2003 13:09:23 +1000

Hey Dasher,
From one reindeer
to another,
I was wondering if your antlers have a noticeable amount of wind resistance
at high speed. I'm thinking of sending mine in for a CLA sometime.
Wind-resistance at high speed :-( (2.9mb) (It's one
thing having to keep adjusting antlers, but try skating with the camera
strapped to one hand on gravelly road!)
Blitzen =:-)

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