Hello everyone,

I`ve tried posting about myself last friday when I saw a couple of you do so and it has occured to me that it would be nice that I make a little introduction about myself. However for some strange reason it didn`t go through and so here I go agian.

My name is William Robert and I`m from Canada now living in Hong Kong. I`m into photojournalism and documentary photography. Presently I`m working on a book about life here in Hong Kong and I have a long ways to go before I finish. I`m not a technological wizard in photography but I know enough to get what is needed done.

Gear wise I use medium format stuff like the Pentax 645N system and Rollei system. For 35mm slr I use pentax LX`s through to MZS`s etc and an assortment of lenses. I also use a Canon EOS system when I need autofocus because Pentax autofocus just doesn`t cut it for me. When I`m using rangefinders I use a Leica M system.

I want to thank you all for having me and for providing a place to share.

William R.

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