----- Original Message ----- 
From: "keller.schaefer"
Subject: AW: *ist D finder magnification

> Nice work - and makes the *ist D look a little better when compared to its
> competitors rather than to film cameras (and this looks like a major
> disadvantage of the Olympus E1 system, too).
> I still wonder, why they don't make those finders a bit larger. Would this
> really require a very large prism - or do the manufacturers just find it
> unimportant?

I think that some of finder size is based on screen size, which relates to
sensor (or film) size.
APS sized digital cameras are starting at a disadvantage because the sensor
is quite a bit smaller than the 35mm film cameras that people want to
compare them to.
What surprised me about the ist D was that it appears that the finder is
just a cropped 35mm finder, which is why the magnification is close to 1x
with a 50mm lens.

William Robb

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