----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Kostas Kavoussanakis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> On Sun, 28 Dec 2003, Christian Skofteland wrote:
> > I think the flamingos http://home.mindspring.com/~c_skofteland/id4.html
> > awesome.  I could have watched and photographed them all day long.
> I can't believe the colour is real.

Afternoon sun really saturated the colors.  Some may think it's garish, but
I really like the effect.

> My favourite is
> perhaps cropped at the top so that the duck is the top third. Great
> reflections.

thanks.  I tried many ways to crop it and in the end, wasn't really happy
with it because, except for the colors and maybe the reflections, it's
really just a boring picture of a duck.  More like a shot for a species
identification book rather than the artistic shots i was going for.

> The sleeping lioness (minus dark shade at the top) is my second
> favourite.

Thanks again.  I could have cropped out the shadow, but then I would have
cut her tail off and I didn't think it would look good that way.  She seemed
very serene.


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