Some products (like Armor All and DEET) are or contain chemicals
that will cause polycarbonate (the plastic usually used for photo gear)
to crack.  They are called stress cracking agents.  Sometimes the effects
are slight and take a long time to manifest, as with Armor All, or fast
and dramatic, as with DEET (bug repellant).

I don't know what's in Goo Gone.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Collin Brendemuehl [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Wednesday, January 14, 2004 3:56 PM
> Subject: Re: KEH does it again
> Bill,
> Instead of using alcohol to clean off the glue residue, try Goo Gone.
> And, like ArmorAll, it leaves the plastic looking very nice.
> Comes in liquid (in hardware stores) and gell (in automotive shops),
> both in convenient bottles.
> --
> ------------------
> Collin Brendemuehl
> void C( JobAvailability )
>     char JobAvailability[30];
>     {
>     C( "program run" );
>     C( "shop stop C" );;
>     C( "programmer doing Notes/Domino." );
>     }
> --

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