
> OK, so I am out of date here. When I first heard of bluetooth there were things
> like connection to the coke machine, atm, etc. Seems I like the first info was 
> kind of exagerated as usual.

you walk within a few feet of a Coke machine. A bottle drops out and
charges your credit card. Then you walk past an ATM and it dispenses
your usual cash withdrawal. All the clipboard-carrying charity
collectors fight the wasted junkies to get to it first. After that you
walk past a cellphone shop; the kiosk inside detects your camera, prints
2 copies of all 10,000 images you thought you'd deleted, and debits your
current account.

It'll be great for the economy. Consumers will protest about it though,
so the politicians (who are all non-executive directors of banks and
telcos) will introduce an opt-in bill. After weeks of philibustering and
hundreds of amendments they'll pass it as an opt-out act. If you don't want
Bluetooth machines debiting you everytime you go within 5 yards of them,
you will need to visit each machine and type in your personal opt-out id,
and PIN. For security reasons each device will require you to have a different
id and PIN.

When you get home you find 17 trucks queuing up outside your house
waiting to delivery 120 tons of maize and soya beans. Your fridge ordered
£10- worth of mixed, fresh vegetables, but you were the only person in the
country who guessed wrong when it was time to tick the 'uncheck if you don't
want to enter opt-out of non-GM radiation-enhanced foods non-receival mode'
box. So they've sent it all to you.

What a great world.

Earlier today I was deleting junk email on my PC when my home phone
rang. I picked it up and it was somebody cold-calling, trying to find
out how much I paid for my mobile. Just then the mobile vibrated; I
looked at it - it was a junk call. Somebody knocked on the door. I got
rid of the cold caller on my landline, waded through the free
newspapers, pizza and curry menus someone had shoved through the
letterbox earlier and opened the door. Somebody wanting to sell me
washing-up brushes at exorbitant prices.

For over 5 minutes I did nothing but fend off the crap we're assaulted


What a wonderful world we've built for ourselves.


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