> -----Original Message----- 
> Paul
> (A digital purchaser who believes film will outlive most of us on
> this
> forum.)

I fully agree. I believe film will outlive all of us. Not dozens of 
different emulsions and not available in every store but there will 
be film for a very long time. If Kodak stops making film altogether
I'd think they will license/sell the technology to some (smaller)
3rd party who will start to make some of the emulsions for the
crazy film people. If all the big film companies of today stop 
making film (I won't believe this for a second) there will be a huge 
market for new smaller film producers.

I am not saying this because I want to stay with film. Right now 
all my large format (4x5" slide) enlargements are done in my 
digital darkroom and I am slowly starting to think of a move 
towards digital in the smaller format (35mm) as well but I will
not stop using film because "the film is dying".

It just occurred to me that one of the arguments of buying a digital 
(SLR) camera today is the "fact" of "film going away". Crazy...

I feel like all the talk about film going away or not is mostly
a waste of time. Get back to me after 50 years and we'll see.
When we get back in 2050 I can show you some Kodachrome slides from 
2004 while we try to connect a CD-ROM/DVD player to the new 
biocomputer to salvage some digital images from those ancient CR-
ROM disks ;-)

At least is was fun writing all this,

Antti-Pekka Virjonen
Computec Oy, Turku Finland
Gsm: +358-500-789 753

www.computec.fi * www.estera.fi

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