Not to pour cold water on your enthusiasms, but must somewhat disagree
with what have been said about this lens. I have it too but right now
it's one of my most unused lenses, especially since I got a SMCK 24/2.8.
Of course such a lens (the 19) will rarely see an extensive use

My comments: the lens is light and compact with only 62mm thread which
make the use of filters almost impossible. I tried and I think you must
either use a very big step-up ring and correspondent and much more
expensive filters or renounce to use them. The dedicated rubber hood
(sold separately) vignettes, especially wide open. Performance is not
that good at wider aperture especially in the corners (I'm not talking
about distortion) but get noticeably better as you reach smaller
apertures. f/11 is probably its best. Not very sharp but good enough.

To summarize: good value for (very little) money but not what you'd
compare with a good Pentax lens.

Just my opinion, of course. BTW I didn't sell it so it serves me well
enough if/when I need such a focal lenght. I actually have good slides
shot with it but I don't think I ever printed anything bigger than
8"x12" (20x30 cm.)...

Ciao, Flavio

PS: I'd offer it to you, Tom, but shipping and all it would cost more
than getting it locally, I'm afraid.

graywolf wrote:
> I think I will have to put one of these on my wish list. I have always wanted an
> ultra-wideange. They are not expensive at all, and from the photos you guys show
>   they seem to be good enough for everyday use.
> ...

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