> Aric scribed,snipped,
> I am using Vuescan.  What combinations of film/developer/scanner
> settings are yielding go B&W results for folks here?
> Aric

I have,as do several others here,the Epson 2450(others have the 3200)and i find that 
scans,B&W or colour seem just a bit off too.My 6x7 scans are much much better.
I use mostly Tmax developer with times taken from the Kodak or Ilford sites.
I use Vuescan mostly and Silverfast sometimes.I have the version taht came with the
scanner (5.5)and 
i dont think it has all the tools,from what i gather from their website.I find my best 
results from 
Vuescan but again not as good as the wet print,as others i'm sure will mention in 
to you 

Dave Brooks                             

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