Hi Shel,
I think what you have to remember here is that tthis is a gallery of
"People's Choice" photos. I think that's why it's largely comprised of
work that entertains rather than informs. I too appreciate pictures that
tell a deeper story, but I don't think that any of these are "pap."
They're all well composed, well framed, and well executed. And some are
quite striking: the woman and daughter through the wet window, the plane
flying past the moon (is it a composite?), and the rainbow over the
village -- to name just a few. There are many subjects worthy of the
photographer's skill. Pretty pictures can certainly be as artistic as
documentary or reportage. If we draw parallels to the world of painting,
it's obvious that many artists who have passed the test of time produced
pretty pictures.

Shel Belinkoff wrote:

> Mostly pap, cute animal pics, and flashy colors.  A few
> "nice" pics.  Surprisingly lacking by comparison is
> reportage or documentary work.
> Doug Brewer wrote:
> >
> > Just had this link sent to me. Some excellent stuff.
> >
> > http://www.fifth-essence.com/archive/bestpix2003/index.htm

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