Rob Brigham posted, among other things:
> I actually quite like many of the shots in Doug's link though...
> Then again I am more into "nice" pics than reportage/docupics so I guess
> I would, wouldn't I?

I liked the pics Doug shared, too. Especially with the "relative lack" of 
reportage/documentary photos -- Yesterday my copy of "News Photographer" 
arrived, with the Best of Photojournalism 2003 photos contained therein. War, 
war, war, plague, plague, war, hard times -- Seemed to me an even more 
depressing collection of photographs than usual. This group of pics (that Doug 
shared) was a nice little antidote.

One other depressing point about the News Photographer collection too -- so 
very many images with muddy blotchy shadows, even muddy, blotchy midtones. 
Seems another drawback to digital taking over the press photogs' kit: the 
images are technically ghastly. But perhaps in just a little more time, those 
problems will disappear. Doubtful we can say the same about wars and plagues 
and Man's Inhumanity To Man.

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