Lon Williamson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Mark Roberts wrote:
>> "Christian" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>did I read that right?  8.2MP and 8.5 frames per second for 40 frames?
>> Man, I knew Canon was going to respond to the Nikon D2h by PMA but I
>> didn't think they'd blow it away like this!
>> This is actually a little scary...
>You want 8.5 frames per second, look at a video cam.

I don't need any more than 2 fps. But a lot of PJ types need it and a
hell of a lot of people who don't need it *want* it.

>Specsmanship is about as nifty as yesterday's news.

No argument.
But it *does* sell cameras.

(The specs that interest me, though, are 1.3x crop factor and 8

Mark Roberts
Photography and writing

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