Thank you. Real helpful. Excellent facilitation.


Shel Belinkoff wrote:

Yeah, but WTF do you know, Bill.  You ain't got no degree or
nuthin' and your experience can't matter 'cause it don't
conform to no approved testing measures.  No need trying
t'talk to you.

William Robb wrote:

----- Original Message -----
From: "Otis Wright"
Subject: Re: The Wilhelm testing method. Was Re: OT:
Photographic Materials

Can see you not into materials testing. Guess we can

forgo testing

contstruction in the future.

And this has what to do with testing longevity of
photographic materials?
But really, do you test construction materials by seeing
how it reacts to 100G?

Opinions from left field are interesting but not very

constructive. Of

course if you have material performance data that

refutes Wilhelms

work, it would be of some interest.

Well, I do have some RC prints that have lasted far longer
than Wilhelm says they would, based on his testing
No yellowing, and no delamintating.
The problem with his method is that it depends on
extrapolating results from a presumption.

This is not coming from left field, this is coming from
someone who has, like Wilhelm, spent most of his life
working in the technical end of photography.

William Robb

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