Busy life took a minor break this weekend (only to be interrupted by rain). Before the rain hit, I was able to head outside for a Valentine's Day of shooting. The objective was to finish a roll of film left in the body since shortly after Xmas and not to start another roll that I couldn't finish more than 75-80% before doing a mid-roll rewind.

The destinations were two lighthouses within an hour drive south of San Francisco. Pigeon Point is about 50 miles south along the coastal highway 1. This lighthouse houses a first-order fresnel lens, the largest size there is. http://www.parks.ca.gov/default.asp?page_id=533 The tower was closed for structural reasons, so unfortunately I wasn't able to check out the lens from the inside. Conditions were partly cloudy blue skies with crashing waves below us.

The other stop was at the Point Montara Light Station http://www.parks.ca.gov/default.asp?page_id=534, about 25 miles south of San Francisco. This is a more of a "stubby" structure and houses a smaller fourth order fresnel lens. By the time we'd had lunch, the skies had become overcast w/ a storm headed our way. Perfect conditions for me to finish off a roll of 400 speed film.

For those of you in the area, both of these lighthouses have hostelling facilities. A great ocean view at a minuscule price. The Montara Light Station hostel feels very cozy & quaintly charming. All in all, a very good day. I finished off my roll of film plus another 36 shots. Film goes off to the developer this week.

Pat in SF

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